168 research outputs found

    Mechanical behavior of carbon-carbon composites

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    A general background, test plan, and some results of preliminary examinations of a carbon-carbon composite material are presented with emphasis on mechanical testing and inspection techniques. Experience with testing and evaluation was gained through tests of a low modulus carbon-carbon material, K-Karb C. The properties examined are the density - 1.55 g/cc; four point flexure strength in the warp - 137 MPa (19,800 psi) and the fill - 95.1 MPa (13,800 psi,) directions; and the warp interlaminar shear strength - 14.5 MPa (2100 psi). Radiographic evaluation revealed thickness variations and the thinner areas of the composite were scrapped. The ultrasonic C-scan showed attenuation variations, but these did not correspond to any of the physical and mechanical properties measured. Based on these initial tests and a survey of the literature, a plan has been devised to examine the effect of stress on the oxidation behavior, and the strength degradation of coated carbon-carbon composites. This plan will focus on static fatigue tests in the four point flexure mode in an elevated temperature, oxidizing environment

    Stress Rupture Behavior of Silicon Carbide Coated, Low Modulus Carbon/Carbon Composites

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    The disadvantages of carbon-carbon composites, in addition to the oxidation problem, are low thermal expansion, expensive fabrication procedures, and poor off axis properties. The background of carbon-carbon composites, their fabrication, oxidation, oxidation protection and mechanical testing in flexure are discussed

    Komunikasi Lintas Agama: Modal Sosial Pembentukan Masyarakat Sipil

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    Struktur masyarakat Indonesia bersifat majemuk. Masyarakat majemuk, kata Furnivall sebagaimana disitir Shepsle, adalah masyarakat yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih elemen dan tatanan sosial yang hidup berdampingan tetapi tidak berintegrasi dalam satu kesatuan politik. Kemajemukan tersebut merupakan kekayaan bangsa yang sangat bernilai, namun pada sisi yang lain pluralitas tersebut dapat menjadi hambatan yang serius bagi integrasi sosial dan pembangunan nasional. Terlebih jika stratifikasi sosial berbenturan dengan differensiasi sosial, maka konflik yang eksesif seringkali tidak dapat dielakkan. Selain itu, sebagaimana diungkap oleh Ted Gurr, sebagai negara yang sedang berada dalam tahap awal demokrasi, Indonesia memiliki resiko tinggi untuk menghadapi konflik kekerasan. Negara yang sedang dalam masa transisi menunju demokrasi berada dalam periode tidak stabil dan pada banyak hal tidak fungsional sehingga kehilangan kapasitas represif untuk menciptakan ketertiban. Karena itu, tahap transisi seringkali dianggap sebagai tahap yang diwarnai oleh ketidak-pastian dan dipenuhi oleh pergesekan antar berbagai kepentingan, termasuk berdasarkan kepentingan agama


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kesulitan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran membaca kritis. Rendahnya minat dalam pembelajaran membaca kritis salah satunya karena para pengajar belum dapat menerapkan metode dan teknik pembelajaran membaca kritis dengan optimal sehingga metode dan teknik menjadi kurang kreatif, membosankan dan tidak menarik bagi siswa. Membaca kritis merupakan kompetensi keterampilan membaca yang kompleks. Karena membutuhkan pemahaman bacaan yang tinggi, dimulai dari menganalisis, menyintesis, sampai pada penilaian bahan bacaan. Pembelajaran membaca kritis merupakan pembelajaran yang kompleks, atas dasar tersebut dibutuhkan penerapan model pembelajaran yang inovatif dan menyenangkan bagi siswa. Pendekatan kooperatif merupakan pembelajaran yang dapat menumbuhkan hubungan interaksi sosial dan keselarasan komunikasi antara pengajar dan siswa dalam mencapai pemahaman dan kompetensi. Kemudian hypnoteaching dapat menumbuhkan minat dan motivasi siswa untuk belajar, membangkitkan rasa percaya diri siswa, karena pengemasan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan. Maka dari itu, pendekatan pembelajaran kooperatif yang berorientasi hypnoteaching merupakan kemasan pembelajaran yang menarik, dan menjadi modal untuk keberhasilan pembelajaran membaca kritis. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu: 1) mendapatkan gambaran profil kegiatan membaca kritis siswa SMP Negeri 6 Subang kelas VII C; 2) mendapatkan gambaran proses pembelajaran dengan pendekatan kooperatif berorientasi hypnoteaching dalam pembelajaran membaca kritis; 3) Mendapatkan gambaran efektifitas pendekatan kooperatif berorientasi hypnoteaching dalam pembelajaran membaca kritis; 4) Mendapatkan gambaran efektivitas pendekatan kooperatif berorientasi hypnoteaching dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca kritis siswa; 5) Mendapatkan gambaran respons siswa terhadap pendekatan kooperatif berorientasi hypnoteaching dalam pembelajaran membaca kritis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah True Experimental Designs dengan desain Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Penelitian ini diujicobakan terhadap populasi kelas VII di SMP Negeri 6 Subang, dengan sampel kelas VII B sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas VII C sebagai kelas eksperimen. Kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran kooperatif berorientasi hypnoteaching. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pengujian data statistik didapatkan hasil uji efek perlakuan dengan nilai 0.242 yang termasuk ke dalam kategori efek perlakuan sedang. Jadi, penerapan pendekatan kooperatif berorientasi hypnoteaching dalam pembelajaran membaca kritis dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca kritis siswa SMP kelas VII dengan kategori sedang. This research is motivated by the difficulties learners in learning to read critically. Lack of interest in learning to read critical one because teacher have not been able to apply the methods and techniques of learning read critically with the optimal methods and techniques become less creative, boring and not interesting for students. Critical reading is a complex reading skills competency, because it requires a high reading comprehension, starting from analyzing, synthesizing, until the assessment of reading materials. Learning to read critically is a complex learning, on the basis of the required application of innovative learning models and fun for students. Cooperative approach is that learning can foster social interaction and alignment of communication between teachers and students in achieving understanding and competence. Then hypnoteaching can foster students interest and motivation to learn, raise self-esteem of students, because the packaging of learning fun. Therefore, approach-oriented cooperative learning hypnoteaching an attractive packaging, and became the capital for successful learning to read critically. Purpose of this research are: 1) to get an overview of students critical reading activity profile of SMP Negeri 6 Subang class VII C; 2) get an overview of the learning process-oriented approach to cooperative learning hypnoteaching in critical reading; 3) get an idea of the effectiveness of a cooperative approach to learning oriented hypnoteaching critical reading; 4) get an idea of the effectiveness of hypnoteaching oriented cooperative approach to improve students critical reading skills; 5) get an overview of the students response to hypnoteaching oriented cooperative approach in learning to read critically. The research method used is a true experimental design with design pretest-posttest control group. This study tested the population of class VII in SMP 6 Subang, with samples of class VII B as the control class and class VII C as the experimental class. Experimental class were treated by using cooperative learning approach hypnoteaching oriented. Based on the result of research and testing of statistical data obtained test result of treatment effects with 0.242 values which belong to the category moderate treatment effects. So, application-oriented approach to cooperative learning hypnoteaching in critical reading can improve students critical reading skills junior class VII

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemasaran Berbasis Web Di CV. Mitra Adi

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    Marketing using the Internet continues to evolve rapidly. Many developed and developing companies use this technology to market their products. Marketing advantage using the Internet is able to reduce marketing costs and can extend the reach of marketing, thus making internet as a marketing target at many companies. CV. Mitra Adi as a growing company that uses the Internet as a target marketing products using CMS (Content Management System) WordPress. The ability CMS WordPress is only displaying products and news articles, so the internet marketing function is not optimal to use. It needs a system that emphasizes marketing functions, such as online-based sales, customer relations, and inter-customer forum. The author then design a web-based marketing information system in accordance with the new marketing functions proposed by CV. Mitra Adi. The new marketing functions proposed by CV. Mitra Adi are: the system can provide information quickly and accurately; the system can be used as a powerful promotion media campaign and be able to reach out globally; the system can be used to displaying article; the system can be used to directly interact with users through chatting media; the system can be used as media consultation between the fellow users, and users with admin; the system can be used as a web-based sales, and the system can be used to display hyperlink. The new web-based marketing information system has been built have the principal functions are divided into three parts, the media and information campaign that consists of the publication of articles, product promotion, and web links; interaction media with for the admin and member that consists of the media of consulting and web chatting; and web-based sales. Principal functions of a web-based marketing information system have meet the internet marketing needs of CV. Mitra Adi

    Relationship of genetic polymorphisms with smoking behavior in the Malay population in Kelantan

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    Smoking addiction is a leading cause of diseases and mortality worldwide. However despite the well-known associated risk to health, smoking prevalence is still increasing worldwide. Nicotine is the main addictive substance in cigarettes that is responsible for the development as well as maintenance of smoking addiction. Genetic variables appear to play a key role in every aspect of nicotine addiction. Therefore genes involved in pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic of nicotine are logical candidates for nicotine addiction. Among listed candidate genes published for their known association with nicotine, four of them were selected which were nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) rs2273502 and rs2236196, serotonin transporter 5HTTLPR and serotonin receptor 5HT2A and their relationships with smoking behavior in the Malays were investigated in this thesis. The study involved 248 Malay male smokers and 248 Malay male nonsmokers. DNA was extracted from leucocytes. The PCR product of nAChR rs2273502 and rs2236196 and 5HT2A were digested with restriction enzymes AfeI, Sau96I and HpaII respectively. The 5HTTLPR genotypes were analyzed by using PCR method and the results were classified as short (S) alleles or long (L) alleles. No mutation of rs2273502 (TT genotype) was detected in the nonsmoker group whilst the frequencies of homozygous CC genotype and heterozygous CT in nonsmokers were 75.8% and 24.2%, respectively. While in smokers, the frequencies were 73.4%, 2.0% and 24.6%, respectively. No significant difference was observed in genotype (χ2=5.106, p=0.078) and allele (χ2=1.064, p=0.302) frequencies among both group. The frequency distribution for rs2236196 polymorphism in smoker group was 80.6% for homozygous AA genotype while in nonsmoker 77.0%. No mutation (GG genotype) was detected in both groups. The AG genotype for smoker group was 19.4% while in nonsmoker group 23.0%. There was no significant difference observed in the genotype (χ2=0.979, p=0.323) and allele frequencies (χ2=0.863, p=0.353) between both groups. The genotype frequencies for 5HT2A polymorphism in smokers are CC= 10.1%, TT= 46.8% and CT=43.1%. While for nonsmokers are CC=8.1%, TT=46.4% and CT=45.6%. There was no significant difference observed in the genotype 5HT2A (χ2=0.724, p=0.696) and allele frequencies (χ2=0.075, p=0.784). On the other hand, for 5HTTLPR polymorphism, the frequencies of variant alleles S, L and heterozygous SL in nonsmokers were 39.1%, 11.3% and 49.6%, respectively. While in smokers, the frequencies of variant alleles S, L and heterozygous SL were 41.1%, 12.9% and 46.0%, respectively. No significant difference in the frequency distribution of alleles was found between smokers and nonsmokers of genotype 5HTTLPR (χ2 = 0.734, p=0.693) and allele frequencies (χ2 = 0.004, p=0.947) for both group studied. In conclusion, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) rs2273502 and rs2236196, serotonin transporter (5HTTLPR) and serotonin receptor (5HT2A) polymorphisms were not found to be associated with the smoking behavior in Malay male subjects in Kelantan

    Offset recombinant PCR: a simple but effective method for shuffling compact heterologous domains

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    DNA shuffling and other in vitro recombination strategies have proven highly effective at generating complex libraries for mutagenesis studies. While most recombination techniques employ DNA polymerases in part of a multi-step process, few seek to exploit the natural recombinogenic tendencies and exponential amplification rates of PCR. Here, we characterize a simple but effective method for using standard PCR to promote high recombination frequencies among compact heterologous domains by locating the domains near one end of the template. In a typical amplification reaction, Pfu polymerase generated chimeric crossover events in 13% of the population when markers were separated by only 70 nt. The fraction of recombinant sequences reached 42% after six consecutive rounds of PCR, a value close to the 50% expected from a fully shuffled population. When homology within the recombinant region was reduced to 82%, the recombination frequency dropped by nearly half for a single amplification reaction and crossover events were clustered toward one end of the domain. Surprisingly, recombination frequencies for template populations with high and low sequence homologies converged after just four rounds of PCR, suggesting that the exponential accumulation of chimeric molecules in the PCR mixture serves to promote recombination within heterologous domains

    Implementasi Lesson Study Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Bahasa Indonesia Di SMP Kabupaten Cirebon

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    Lesson Study is an alternative that teachers can take in implanting the culture of lifelong learning and improving their pedagogical competency independently. In addition, it has direct impact on the improvement and development of instructional quality in classrooms. Therefore, the implementation of Lesson Study as a model for improving the competency of Indonesian language teachers needs to gain support from all stakeholders, especially Principal and Office of Education in district level. Without the support, Lesson Study is just a “dream” for teachers who are highly motivated to improve their competencies. This research intended to find out the impact of Lesson Study on pedagogical competency of Indonesian language teachers in junior high schools in Cirebon Regency. This research found that Lesson Study gave positive impact on their pedagogical competencie